Thanks for your interest
in referring a child to an
Southern Cross Kids’ Camp!
Our camps show children a brighter future.
Children that attend SCKC camps are aged 7-11 and have been affected by trauma through abuse, neglect or domestic violence. Many are living in Foster care or Kinship care and are referred by welfare agencies or social workers.
We have camps all around Australia and aim to connect children to their most local camp. Our camps are in really high demand, so children can only attend 1 camp per year. If a child has attended one of our camps already, they will be invited back and do not need to be referred again. Our places fill quickly too, so referrals are ideally 3-4 months before a camp. We do run waitlists, and always aim to offer as many places as possible.
When kids attend our camps, they have so much fun and don’t want them to end! They get to participate in a range of activities, like horse riding, swimming, craft, singing and more.

Please read on to discover the eligibility of a child before submitting your referral.
All our upcoming camps can be found below.
Each child can only attend one camp per year. They are invited back each year, so you do not need to reapply.
Eligibility criteria:
Our camps are exclusively for children aged 7-11, who have suffered trauma as a result of abuse or neglect, or are living in out-of-home or kinship care.
Upcoming Camps