Hi there and thanks for checking out Southern Cross Kids’ Camps!
We just need to let you know that we are a bit different to most providers on the Positive Start Program.
Our camps are exclusively for children aged 7-11, who have suffered trauma as a result of abuse or neglect, or are living in out-of-home or kinship care.
Generally we need a referral or recommendation from a social worker.
If that’s not your situation, there are heaps of fantastic camps available through Positive Start and you may be able to find another more suitable camp here.
Alternatively, if our camp does sound like the right fit, please submit an enquiry and include your location and the child’s age and we can put you in touch with the camp closest to you.
We have a number of camps in terms 2 and 3 holidays at various locations around Victoria, which you can see in our camp listing here.