Join Us
You’ve heard the saying
“It takes a village to raise a child”
Well, our “village” is made up of lots of people just like you.
Be part of us

Be a Buddy
Give the gift of meaningful friendship, heartfelt care, and undivided attention to a child in need. It’s not for the faint hearted but there’s plenty of support from the staff and your fellow buddies.

Join the Camp Staff
A camp needs a range of clever and creative helping hands, such as nurses, music coordinators, drama team coordinators and actors, craft-activity leaders, games and sport coaches, laundry people, photographers…

Every $500 sends another child to camp, so consider having a free-dress day at your school, holding a special morning tea at your workplace, knitting beanies and gloves, or pretty much anything that will raise some valuable funds. We can connect you with a camp in your area for some more specific ideas.

We can always use more direct donations, and you can be assured that every dollar makes a difference. $500 is all it takes to change a child’s life by sponsoring a child to go on camp. $30 provides a present for a child or $120 will feed a child at camp for the week. Donations are tax deductable.

How camp works
Each camp has a Director/s, plus their trusted assistants, who prepare throughout the year for their chance to give ‘at risk’ children a place where they can leave their worries behind and just be kids.
Each child is paired up with a buddy who looks after them for the week, while being both a friend and a positive adult role model. Buddies and Staff are required to formally apply for their position. They are extensively screened and interviewed and are required to have a Working with Children’s Check. They also receive thorough training.
Every camper receives a fun filled week. Camp always has plenty of great activities, such as horse riding, swimming, craft activities, everyone’s birthday party, stories, singing, have a go show, special camp t-shirt and soft toy. Another highlight at the end of camp is a photo album of the week’s activities.
We have so many children who have never experienced a carefree environment where they feel safe, so we go to great lengths to ensure each child enjoys “a week of happy memories”.